Membership Drive
We Want YOU!!!
Your CCWA Membership Provides You and the Community with the following Five Annual Volunteer Conodoguinet Creek Clean-Ups Local watershed education to schools and the community Local updates on critical environmental issues and public meetings Environmental grants to various Cumberland County School Districts Partnerships with local governments and watershed organizations Newsletter on CCWA activities, local updates and volunteer efforts NEW MEMBERSHIP or RENEWAL ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION. View Membership Types Below and Pay ONLINE with a CREDIT CARD or PayPal by clicking “Membership Form Here!” icon
Join the CCWA and become a Steward of the Conodoguinet Creek! There are lots of ways to volunteer and give back to the community and environment.
Feel free to contact the CCWA at to volunteer
Volunteer opportunities
Creek Cleanup Events: help pull trash from the creek or help with the land crew
Educational Events: lead activities and talk with the public
Newsletter: we are always looking for article opportunities
Riparian Buffers: planning future events, transportation of materials, planting trees
Maintenance Team: replace stakes, tubes, bird nets, weed, and water when needed
Website: help update and maintain
Stream Monitoring: Join ALLARMs Stream Team
Media: promote CCWA with Facebook, press releases to TV and online newspapers.
Copyright © 2023 Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association. All right reserved.